"A welcome, friendly service, with such a fabulous product."
“The best value for money you could find.”
Being married for 56 years to the best partner one could have, but troubled by snoring. We both had difficulty in sleeping through the night.
10 days after having a “Snorex” made & fitted we have the WOW factor! We both sleep all night - the first time in years without snoring.
As my partner said, Denise made it so easy - we should have done it years ago.
Don’t put it off - do it now. You too, can get your life back on track.
From a very satisfied customer - Lesley Watson, Christchurch.
Hi Denise
Well finally my stress levels came down.
I had a girls weekend away and came home with a sore tummy from laughing so much and feeling refreshed.
So I tried the snorex on Monday night with the thought I may not wear it all night but I have and every night since this week so am getting used to it.
Well my husband cannot not believe it!!!!! He's had to check on me because no sound is coming out of my mouth, I think he thought maybe I was dead!
He said why isn't everyone using this? So we are totally converted. I think he thought no way will this stop her from snoring completely.
I wake up with a throat that is not sore and though it's early days my head a little clearer, I'm thinking as the weeks go on I will really feel the benefits so I'm looking forward to each improvement along the way...
Anyway wanted to share this with you and thank you for this life changing device.
Will be in touch again soon.
Kind regards
Dear Denise,
This is to let you know of yet another very happy customer. And of course, to wish you & your family the message below:
"Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!"
May only good things come your way in the New Year.
- Greg Buckingham
P.S I have a ‘friend’ now who says the Snorex is just wonderful… thank you so much.
Dear Denise
I am not only at last getting a full night's sleep (and my partner) but waking feeling healthy and extremely alert.
Not only is the Snorex a complete success but also comfortable to use, i will continue to use my Snorex permanently
It took about a week to get used to the mouthguard (snorex) in my mouth, but now it is no problem, and feels so comfortable I hardly notice it.
Thank you again
- Colin Manson.
Dear Denise
I now sleep right through the night - I didn’t realise how much snoring interfered with my sleep, and wake refreshed without the usual dry mouth and throat that comes from breathing through my mouth.
I use to wake up several times for a glass of water - but i don't now!
Valerie, my wife, benefits greatly from my non-snoring, and now has a much more peaceful sleep undisturbed sleep - a great help to domestic peace!
Thank you
Dear Denise,
I have been using my Snorex mouthguard for 12 months & have found it performed exactly as you said. My sleep pattern improved dramatically & I woke each morning feeling like I had slept soundly.
Before using the mouthguard, I used to wake up any times during the night feeling like I was choking.
My snoring has reduced to almost nothing for which my wife, Jan, is very grateful.
I am writing this note to you as I did not realise what a difference the mouthguard had really made until I was without it for two nights while you did some alterations.
I am so thankful I have it to use tonight as the last two nights I have had terrible sleeps snoring.
Thank you for assisting me with the alterations.
Yours faithfully,
John Boyce
I write to you as a very satisfied Snorex user.
I am 45 years of age and have been a snorer for most of my adult life. Over the years I have been the butt of many-a-joke and have made sleep difficult for more people than I care to remember. This had dented my male ego to say the least.
I have tried everything ever produced to rid myself of this affliction, but to my horror, none of them worked. I lost weight (16 kg), but once again, no resulting change.
My partner spotted your advertisement, and willing to try anything, I called you and as you know, I now wear a Snorex to bed.
Denise, words cannot express my satisfaction with this product. I have stopped snoring and my sleep is now unbroken. My ego problem has resolved itself, my partner and I are now better bed mates than we ever were, and I no longer have to worry about keeping others awake. This has quite literally changed my life and I am eternally grateful.
Thank you Denise, and please feel quite free to have your clients call me if I can in some way, help them to appreciate what real sleep is all about.
Kind regards,
John Burtt,
I have to write to say thank you for Ian’s SNOREX, can’t believe how well it works.
We haven’t had so much sleep in over twenty years. Just so pleased. So good to be able to sleep together again!
I had a custom made Snorex device fitted for me 12 years ago. It has worked extremely well. This was during a time of high work stress. It stopped me snoring.
Gosh, I wish I knew of “Snorex” many years ago. I’m a female that has snored most of my life, but it had certainly got worse over recent years!! My husband most nights would be forced to move to the spare room to get some sleep, but from the first night of my wearing the snorex device he has woken up beside me!!! We both sleep much better and wake feeling refreshed. More health professionals need to be aware of this affordable option for snorers
K. Guglietta